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Writer's pictureJoey Castaneda


Updated: May 23, 2023

One of the lowest obesity rates in the world is found in Japan. Epidemiologists from Global Data estimate that only 4% of people in Japan are obese compared to most countries having two digit percentages. If it is believed that genetics play a minor role in this matter; lifestyle must be the best candidate for the title of the most probable cause of obesity.

Sushi and tea

In this article, we will consider seven top reasons why Japanese people are so healthy and stay slim, and what we can learn from them. One of the best contributors to the factors we present in this article is our hands-on experience while working and getting along with the Japanese folks for almost twenty years past staying in Japan. So if you really want to know how the Japanese manage to stay so slim, without exerting much effort, stay with us till the end.

And so, without further ado, let's start the countdown . . .


There is little doubt that the Japanese diet, although quite high in carbohydrates (being a rice eating country), majority of their dishes are very low in saturated fats, which makes it the major contributing element in the quest to find out why their bodies are so slim.

Salmon fish grilled with salad

Fish have traditionally been the main sources of protein for the Japanese people, but meat is now more common—although it is still eaten in moderation.

In addition, fruits and dairy products are also eaten in moderation.

Burgers and soda or soft drinks are among the foods and beverages that the Japanese avoid the most.

In addition, the Japanese adhere to dietary recommendations made by the government. These recommendations promote eating fresh meals prepared at home. However, above all these, it is the Japanese disciplined habit that counts.


Given that Japan has the biggest number of vending machines per capita in the world, this may come as a surprise. This may lead you to believe that the Japanese occasionally eat strange delicacies like Wasabi Kit Kats and Coca-Cola Vanilla.

However, the Japanese often stick to three balanced meals every day and forgo snacking. Those who do eat snacks do so in moderation and small servings.


Japanese Bento lunch box

The busy schedules of the Japanese prevent them from having much time or chance to cook a healthy dinner at home. So they do turn to fast food, although Japanese-style. Fast food in Japan is far healthier and more like home cooking. It is important to note that all of the well-known fast-food chains are available in Japan. However, because they were nurtured with a focus on nutrition, the Japanese still favor the bentos in the convenience stores which nutritionists spend time calculating calories and specify them in the labels. On the other hand, some Japanese prefer a traditional home-cooked meal.


Most of us have never been familiar with "portion sizes." Most people prefers to eat in enormous portions altogether on a plate. Japan, on the other hand, has a tradition of eating tiny meals.

Portion sizes sushi

In Japan, food is not presented on a single large dish but rather on multiple smaller ones. One good example is the sushi and sashimi. The dinner table at a traditional Japanese meal may be crowded with a range of foods, each containing a variety of nutrition.

Small dinnerware

Since most Japanese meals are served in small portions, therefore they use small dinnerwares such as small bowl for rice, viand or soup, side dishes are served in tiny saucers, and plates. Furthermore, the use of chopsticks make them eat small portions at a time which makes them feel full and satisfied at the perfect timing and eat the right amount of food for every meal.


To focus on savoring each meal, the Japanese, take away all interruptions such as watching TV, looking at cellphone, playing video games, amongst many others.

People in Japan sit formally at dinner tables and regard eating with respect. As a result, they are able to recognize when they are full and avoid overeating.


Matcha green tea powder

Tea is the No. 1 variety in Japan, especially the green tea variety in particular. Green Tea has hundreds of health benefits especially when it comes to controlling weight. It’s loaded with antioxidants that have many health benefits, which may include:

  • improves brain function

  • fat loss

  • protection against cancer

  • lowering the risk of heart disease

Drinking green tea

Most Japanese drink green tea at least once a day. Some does several times a day, in the morning, as an afternoon tea time, and almost every meal, or even while relaxing after dinner. As compared to sodas and other sweet beverages with hundreds of calorie, green tea has zero calorie. This is why drinking tea is one of the best factors that contribute to the Japanese skinny bodies.

So, what about you guys? What’s your best factor amongst the seven that we have just presented? Are you prepared to do them all just like the Japanese? Please feel free to leave your comments below. Thanks.

Ganbatte kudasai! …meaning do your best!

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Print Finds
Print Finds
Feb 23, 2023

Thanks for sharing this.

Joey Castaneda
Joey Castaneda
Feb 23, 2023
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You're welcome.


Life Joy
Life Joy
Feb 23, 2023

Interesting facts about Japanese lifestyle.

Joey Castaneda
Joey Castaneda
Feb 23, 2023
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Yes indeed. Thanks

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